
Thadeaus was introduced to me in 2004 by my former roommates at a Bronx squat he and others then occupied. Our circles intersected regularly during that year and later at events like Grub.   At one point, he stayed at my apartment as a guest for a week or two, and was a welcome guest. I learned a lot from him during that year about D.I.Y. ethics, anarchist ideas, and forming community.  He practices what he preaches, and this, of course, is a great attribute.

Thadeaus has been especially sympathetic to health issues I have coped with, much more than most friends.  During the past four years, I've gotten to know Thadeaus even better through participation in In Our Hearts collective and generally as a friend and neighbor.

His inclusivity, loving kindness,  and open discussion of his political principles and lifestyle choices made a memorable, formative, and positive impression on me, a new and young Brooklynite. He had a roughness and intelligence too that drew out a carefulness and consideration in my behavior around him.  From the periphery, I observed with interest and affinity his relationship with his then partner, and was saddened when it ended.

In 2007, while grappling with serious health issues, I moved back to NYC for work, and happened to find a room in Bed Stuy right near the new 123 Space.  My former circle had dissolved due to relocation etc, but Thadeaus followed up naturally on our past ties, was again welcoming, remembered details about me, and was more compassionate than I can say in regards to my health issues.  The latter was a gift which I dearly prize because it was a true and vital support at that time.  I cannot over overstate how irreplaceable, priceless it was.

While the 123 Space existed on Tompkins Ave, I volunteered Saturdays at the lending library for a time and participated in In Our Hearts meetings and events, including Grub.  Thadeaus dealt with accusations of abuse at the time that many of his newer friends did not know whether to believe.  This he said she said perhaps ultimately has had some positive effect on him, for who can go through such scrutiny from the outside without scrutinizing themselves.  I do think that he is now kinder and more consistently appropriate than ever. The suspicion he was/is under lost him friends and influence.  He has been tormented by a group of people and it has gone way beyond acceptable to unthinkingly hateful.  Through this, Thadeaus has shown himself resilient and inspiring through the humbleness with which he has born personal trials.  Beyond this, the whole ordeal has been divisive for the NYC anarchist community.  Thank goodness that, as it turns out, our concerns are shared with many many others who are fighting hard for related causes and are now making an impact felt around the world through the Occupy Wall Street movement.

-Sadie Robins-Murov